FAT’s: (Factory acceptance test)
For large-scale projects or for the manufacture of special parts, factory acceptance tests are the only means of ensuring the quality of the ordered parts and products. Due to time constraints, it is often no longer possible to check the delivery on construction sites, or it is formally too late because since the delivery has already taken place. The production machines or systems are checked for completeness of its components.
The basis of the examination are the technical specifications of the manufacturer and, if applicable, other changes agreed upon after the conclusion of the contract (amendment request) if these have become part of the contract. In addition, the test results documented by the supplier in test reports are used. In addition, a (reduced) functional test can be carried out within the scope of the FAT. It is determined whether the documented test results can also be reproduced at the place of production. This is particularly important to detect, for example, damages occurred during logistics, loading/unloading, transport or final assembly at the construction site.
At the end of all works, commissioning of the PV system is pending.
An on-site appointment is carried out for this purpose, at which you as operator of the plant as well as the representatives of the energy supplier and the installation company can participate on request.
The process is usually carried out by the EPC or installation company prepared and accompanied on site by our expert. Upon a successful completion of commissioning, the PV system is online and delivering electricity.
A hand-over of the photovoltaic project is required today by many banks to secure the investment. This also gives the operators the certainty of getting a functioning system.
Our experts and engineers accompany our customers through the construction and commissioning phases of their photovoltaic projects.